Welcome to the personal web of Francisco Camas

Currently, I serve as a full-time researcher at the Musicology Department of the University Complutense de Madrid. My recent professional background encompasses roles as a Conservatory Professor specializing in Counterpoint, Harmony, and Fundamentals of Composition. Prior to this, I engaged in research within the domains of Systems Biology and Genomics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT. I'm from the city of San Fernando (close to Cadiz, in South Spain).
My resume epitomizes a non-linear career trajectory, characterized by a perpetual dichotomy between Music and Science—sometimes synergistic, sometimes conflicting (no link here!)—which defines my identity. Fortunately, I've recently found a means to merge these two worlds by translating genomic tools into Musicology. My current pursuit involves unraveling a captivating musicological enigma: deciphering ancient musical symbols dating back 1,000 years!